Lycra, artificial hair, recycled leather, woollen filling, velcro, latex, polyester, foil, glue, artist’s hair, polyester mesh, white thread, rubber, plastic, magnets, metal.
The project “Us” is an interdisciplinary project based around working personas of sex workers. The project is made up of a series of masks, and a series of photographs of the artist wearing the masks. To create these works Mark conducted and analysed interviews with sex workers to gain insight about their working personas, and then translated these into the series of masks. He then embodies the sex worker’s persona by wearing the masks himself for a series of photographs that play with different levels of body identification, and interpret each person’s relationship to the idea of a working persona.
Lycra, künstliches Haar, recycled Leder, Wollfüllung, Klettverschluss, Polyester, Folie, Kleber, Künstler-Haare, Synthetik-Netzgewebe, weißer Faden, Gummi, Plastik, Magnete, Metall.
Das Projekt „Us“ ist eine interdisziplinäre Arbeit basierend auf den Arbeits-Personas von Sexarbeiter*innen. Das Projekt besteht aus einer Serie von Masken sowie einer Reihe Fotografien, in denen der Künstler diese Masken trägt. Für „Us“ interviewte Mark Sexarbeiter*innen und analysierte die Gespräche in Bezug auf die Einblicke in die aufkommenden Arbeits-Personas, die er dann in Masken übersetzte. Über das Tragen der Masken verkörpert er in der Fotoserie die Personas der Sexarbeiter*innen, impliziert unterschiedliche Selbstentblößungen und Identifizierungen seines Körpers auf den Bildern und interpretiert die einzelnen Beziehungen der Sexarbeiter*innen zur Idee der Arbeits-Persona.
Lycra, artificial hair, recycled leather, woollen filling, velcro, latex, polyester, foil, glue, artist’s hair, polyester mesh, white thread, rubber, plastic, magnets, metal.
The project “Us” is an interdisciplinary project based around working personas of sex workers. The project is made up of a series of masks, and a series of photographs of the artist wearing the masks. To create these works Mark conducted and analysed interviews with sex workers to gain insight about their working personas, and then translated these into the series of masks. He then embodies the sex worker’s persona by wearing the masks himself for a series of photographs that play with different levels of body identification, and interpret each person’s relationship to the idea of a working persona.

Mark is a Berlin-based sex worker and photographer. His artistic work combines an academic background in photography and design with seven years experience in sex work. He enjoys the many layers of intimacy that join the two – exploring the diversity of customers in his sex work, or capturing intimate moments through his photography (which varies from individual portraits to theatre stage).
Mark is a Berlin-based sex worker and photographer. His artistic work combines an academic background in photography and design with seven years experience in sex work. He enjoys the many layers of intimacy that join the two – exploring the diversity of customers in his sex work, or capturing intimate moments through his photography (which varies from individual portraits to theatre stage).
Mark is a Berlin-based sex worker and photographer. His artistic work combines an academic background in photography and design with seven years experience in sex work. He enjoys the many layers of intimacy that join the two – exploring the diversity of customers in his sex work, or capturing intimate moments through his photography (which varies from individual portraits to theatre stage).