The Sewers of Heterosexuality The Sewers of Heterosexuality The Sewers of Heterosexuality

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Marianne Chargois
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July 2020 Juli 2020 julio 2020
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Screenshot from The Sewers of Heterosexuality

Taking as a starting point the fetishisms she practices most with clients, namely enemas, fist fucking, and urethral probes, Chargois develops an analysis of toxic and dominant masculinities, their possible subversions, as well as her vision of sex work as a place of economic autonomy and empowerment of minorities. Between documentary, obscenity and analysis of practices, the video art The Sewers of Heterosexuality is a love manifesto to all ho’s of the world.

Ausgehend vom Fetisch, den Chargois vorrangig mit ihren Kunden praktiziert – namentlich Enemas, Faustficks und Harnröhren-Tests – entfaltet sie eine Analyse toxischer und dominanter Männlichkeiten, ihrer möglichen Unterwanderungs-Strategien sowie einer Vision von Sexarbeit als Raum wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit und der Selbstermächtigung von Minderheiten. “Die Kanalisationen der Heterosexualität” changiert zwischen Dokumentarfilm, Unanständigkeit und Analyse. Es ist eine Liebeserklärung an alle Huren dieser Welt.

Taking as a starting point the fetishisms she practices most with clients, namely enemas, fist fucking, and urethral probes, Chargois develops an analysis of toxic and dominant masculinities, their possible subversions, as well as her vision of sex work as a place of economic autonomy and empowerment of minorities. Between documentary, obscenity and analysis of practices, the video art The Sewers of Heterosexuality is a love manifesto to all ho’s of the world.

Sewers of Heterosexuality installation image, an artwork by Marianne Chargois at the Schwules Museum

A sex worker for 13 years, Marianne Chargois is an activist for sex workers’ rights access in France, and has been a member of STRASS – the French sex worker union – since 2010. She is a member of Art Whore Connection/Deviant Factory, a collective of sex worker artists that she initiated in 2017. Alongside this, Chargois organised and curated SNAP ! Sex Worker Narratives, Arts & Politics – the first sex worker fest in France fully dedicated to narratives and self-representations of sex workers that took place in Paris from 2nd – 4th November 2018 ( Chargois creates political and radical performances and movies about sex work, feminism, and empowerment, and directed the movie EMPOWER Sex Worker Perspectives: a series of three political portraits of sex workers.

A sex worker for 13 years, Marianne Chargois is an activist for sex workers’ rights access in France, and has been a member of STRASS – the French sex worker union – since 2010. She is a member of Art Whore Connection/Deviant Factory, a collective of sex worker artists that she initiated in 2017. Alongside this, Chargois organised and curated SNAP ! Sex Worker Narratives, Arts & Politics – the first sex worker fest in France fully dedicated to narratives and self-representations of sex workers that took place in Paris from 2nd – 4th November 2018 ( Chargois creates political and radical performances and movies about sex work, feminism, and empowerment, and directed the movie EMPOWER Sex Worker Perspectives: a series of three political portraits of sex workers.

A sex worker for 13 years, Marianne Chargois is an activist for sex workers’ rights access in France, and has been a member of STRASS – the French sex worker union – since 2010. She is a member of Art Whore Connection/Deviant Factory, a collective of sex worker artists that she initiated in 2017. Alongside this, Chargois organised and curated SNAP ! Sex Worker Narratives, Arts & Politics – the first sex worker fest in France fully dedicated to narratives and self-representations of sex workers that took place in Paris from 2nd – 4th November 2018 ( Chargois creates political and radical performances and movies about sex work, feminism, and empowerment, and directed the movie EMPOWER Sex Worker Perspectives: a series of three political portraits of sex workers.

Installation shot of Marianne Chargois's Sewers of Heterosexuality at Objects of Desire, Schwules Museum

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