Hydra e.V. is a group of sex workers, former sex workers and cultural translators. We have been hosting workshops in Berlin brothels, sex cinemas, and massage parlours since 2012. The workshop languages we offer are Bulgarian, English, German, Romanian, Russian, Thai, and Turkish. You are invited to take part in one of our seminars.
Hydra e.V. ist eine Gruppe von Sexarbeiter*innen, ehemaliger Sexarbeiter*innen und kultureller Vermittler*innen. Seit 2012 bieten wir Workshops in Berliner Bordellen, Sexkinos und Massagesalons an. Die Workshops finden in den Sprachen Bulgarisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Thai und Türkisch statt. Sei herzlich willkommen in unseren Seminaren!
Hydra e.V. is a group of sex workers, former sex workers and cultural translators. We have been hosting workshops in Berlin brothels, sex cinemas, and massage parlours since 2012. The workshop languages we offer are Bulgarian, English, German, Romanian, Russian, Thai, and Turkish. You are invited to take part in one of our seminars.

Hydra was the first autonomous whores’ organisation in Germany, founded in 1980, inspired by the strikes and protests in France from 1975 onwards. Since 1985, we have run a counselling center for sex workers which is financially supported by the city of Berlin.
Hydra was the first autonomous whores’ organisation in Germany, founded in 1980, inspired by the strikes and protests in France from 1975 onwards. Since 1985, we have run a counselling center for sex workers which is financially supported by the city of Berlin.
Hydra was the first autonomous whores’ organisation in Germany, founded in 1980, inspired by the strikes and protests in France from 1975 onwards. Since 1985, we have run a counselling center for sex workers which is financially supported by the city of Berlin.