Layers of Intimacy Layers of Intimacy Layers of Intimacy

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Isaak Rion & Robert Raven
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August 2020 August 2020 agosto 2020
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Valentin Rion and Robert Van Ravens workshop at Objects of Desire

Layers of Intimacy
Workhop, 2 hours

Sex workers are expected to be experts of sensuality. In a scheduled manner they need to be ready to connect to different needs of intimacy, physical contact, proximity or ecstasy. This demands the training of several human intelligences – interpersonal, kinesthetic and rhythmical – and specific capacities such as empathetic reading of others, and spontaneity in reacting with body language and actions accordingly. Even though these capacities often act subconsciously, they can be brought to a conscious reflection and experienced in exemplifications for a broader audience. We aim to do that with this two-hour workshop.

In hands-on exercises, the participants connect to strangers in simple sensual acts of touch, as well as synching to the other’s rhythms of subtle movement and training impulses in relation to other bodies. These practical exercises stem from our experience in both sex work and designing workshops in contemporary dance and sex-positive contexts. The workshop includes conversations, feedback loops, and sharing about similarities and differences in the outlined skills and bodily intelligences in sex-work, vis-à-vis other professional spheres.

Layers of Intimacy
zweistündiger Workshop

Sexarbeiter*innen müssen Expert*innen der Sinnlichkeit sein. Auf Abruf müssen sie in der Lage sein, sich auf unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse nach Intimität, Körperkontakt, Nähe und Ekstase einzulassen. Dafür ist das Trainieren unterschiedlicher menschlicher Intelligenzen nötig (darunter interpersonaler, kinästhetischer und rhythmischer Intelligenz), wie auch das Verfeinern von Kompetenzen wie empathisches Lesen von Körpersprache und spontanes Reagieren auf Bewegungen und Gemütsregungen des Anderen. Auch wenn diese Fertigkeiten meist unterbewusst arbeiten, können sie im Rahmen von Übungen beispielhaft ans Licht gebracht werden. Das versuchen wir in unserem zweistündigen Workshop. In praktischen Übungen verbinden sich die Teilnehmenden durch einfache sinnliche Berührungen mit Fremden und üben sich darin, ihre eigenen Impulse mit den subtilen Rhythmen des anderen Körpers zu synchronisieren. Die praktischen Übungen gründen sich auf unseren Erfahrungen aus der Sexarbeit sowie dem zeitgenössischen Tanz und der Gestaltung sex-positiver Arbeitsumgebungen. Der Workshop umfasst Gespräche, Feedback-Loops und einen Austausch über Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede der geübten Intelligenzen in der Sexarbeit im Vergleich zu anderen Berufsfeldern.

Layers of Intimacy
Workhop, 2 hours

Sex workers are expected to be experts of sensuality. In a scheduled manner they need to be ready to connect to different needs of intimacy, physical contact, proximity or ecstasy. This demands the training of several human intelligences – interpersonal, kinesthetic and rhythmical – and specific capacities such as empathetic reading of others, and spontaneity in reacting with body language and actions accordingly. Even though these capacities often act subconsciously, they can be brought to a conscious reflection and experienced in exemplifications for a broader audience. We aim to do that with this two-hour workshop.

In hands-on exercises, the participants connect to strangers in simple sensual acts of touch, as well as synching to the other’s rhythms of subtle movement and training impulses in relation to other bodies. These practical exercises stem from our experience in both sex work and designing workshops in contemporary dance and sex-positive contexts. The workshop includes conversations, feedback loops, and sharing about similarities and differences in the outlined skills and bodily intelligences in sex-work, vis-à-vis other professional spheres.

Valentin Rion and Robert Van Ravens workshop at Objects of Desire

Isaak Rion is a sex worker, cultural activist and dancer based in Berlin. He works in different fields and formats including interdisciplinary workshop settings with diverse social groups, ranging from arts and crafts to international dance collaborations. He also takes part in activism, fighting for more experimental funding structures in cultural work. In his sex work he aims to create sessions in which his customers connect to their own bodies through his, and experiment with their desires. He has recently begun to star in porn and is currently preparing a PhD-project looking into qualities of “being together” in sex through movement studies.

Robert is a massage and touch therapist with a background in yoga, dance and theatre. He has been involved since 1997 in ritualistic work with ayahuasca, and works as an initiated healer in Umbanda (Afro-Brasilian) ceremonies. After completing the Sacred Intimacy training with Authentic Eros in Berlin, he created his own Respiro-Touch workshops. Also known as an erotic shaman, he focuses on connecting Sex with Spirit through the healing aspects of conscious touch, pleasure, joy and gratitude. Based in the Netherlands, he travels to spread his healing touch and magic in his workshops and private sessions.

Isaak Rion is a sex worker, cultural activist and dancer based in Berlin. He works in different fields and formats including interdisciplinary workshop settings with diverse social groups, ranging from arts and crafts to international dance collaborations. He also takes part in activism, fighting for more experimental funding structures in cultural work. In his sex work he aims to create sessions in which his customers connect to their own bodies through his, and experiment with their desires. He has recently begun to star in porn and is currently preparing a PhD-project looking into qualities of “being together” in sex through movement studies.

Robert is a massage and touch therapist with a background in yoga, dance and theatre. He has been involved since 1997 in ritualistic work with ayahuasca, and works as an initiated healer in Umbanda (Afro-Brasilian) ceremonies. After completing the Sacred Intimacy training with Authentic Eros in Berlin, he created his own Respiro-Touch workshops. Also known as an erotic shaman, he focuses on connecting Sex with Spirit through the healing aspects of conscious touch, pleasure, joy and gratitude. Based in the Netherlands, he travels to spread his healing touch and magic in his workshops and private sessions.

Isaak Rion is a sex worker, cultural activist and dancer based in Berlin. He works in different fields and formats including interdisciplinary workshop settings with diverse social groups, ranging from arts and crafts to international dance collaborations. He also takes part in activism, fighting for more experimental funding structures in cultural work. In his sex work he aims to create sessions in which his customers connect to their own bodies through his, and experiment with their desires. He has recently begun to star in porn and is currently preparing a PhD-project looking into qualities of “being together” in sex through movement studies.

Robert is a massage and touch therapist with a background in yoga, dance and theatre. He has been involved since 1997 in ritualistic work with ayahuasca, and works as an initiated healer in Umbanda (Afro-Brasilian) ceremonies. After completing the Sacred Intimacy training with Authentic Eros in Berlin, he created his own Respiro-Touch workshops. Also known as an erotic shaman, he focuses on connecting Sex with Spirit through the healing aspects of conscious touch, pleasure, joy and gratitude. Based in the Netherlands, he travels to spread his healing touch and magic in his workshops and private sessions.

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