Inspired by ‘70s sci-fi and sexploitation cinema, as well as the aesthetics of Berlin strip clubs and gay bars, this immersive installation grants access into a dystopian sex dungeon, using the five senses to draw the civilian viewer into an alternative-reality sex-workplace. With a series of nightmarish contraptions loosely based around the 12 signs of the zodiac (informally the official religion of sex workers), these machine-artworks build upon the forgotten feminist history of the ready-made to blur the line between artist and innovative pervert.
Diese begehbare Installation verschafft dem zivilen Besucher Zutritt zu einem dystopischen Sex-Dungeon, der alle Sinne anspricht. Der Sex-Arbeitsplatz aus einer parallelen Realität ist ebenso inspiriert von Science-Fiction- und Sexploitation-Kinofilmen der 70er Jahre, wie von der Ästhetik Berliner Strip-Clubs und Schwulenbars. Die alb/traumhaften Vorrichtungen gehen in loser Verbindung auf die zwölf Sternzeichen zurück – der informellen Sexarbeiter*innen-Religion. Die Maschinen-Werke in der Installation fußen auf der vergessenen Geschichte feministischer Readymade Kunst und verwischen so die Grenzen zwischen Künstlerin und innovativer Perversen.
Inspired by ‘70s sci-fi and sexploitation cinema, as well as the aesthetics of Berlin strip clubs and gay bars, this immersive installation grants access into a dystopian sex dungeon, using the five senses to draw the civilian viewer into an alternative-reality sex-workplace. With a series of nightmarish contraptions loosely based around the 12 signs of the zodiac (informally the official religion of sex workers), these machine-artworks build upon the forgotten feminist history of the ready-made to blur the line between artist and innovative pervert.

Ginger’s art is a feral stripper dyke’s daydream, the glamorisation of precocity – camp as a response to suffering. Inspired by ‘70s sci-fi and sexploitation cinema, she builds fantasy machines for the on-shift daydreaming sex-prole. Her work talks back to the voyeurism and scrutiny directed at the sex-art-worker with fantasy and myth-making, responding to the decline of the sex industry and the impending possibility of automated feminised labour with a dark and camp sense of humour. She studied at [ubiquitous London art school] but she learnt everything she knows from whores.
Ginger’s art is a feral stripper dyke’s daydream, the glamorisation of precocity – camp as a response to suffering. Inspired by ‘70s sci-fi and sexploitation cinema, she builds fantasy machines for the on-shift daydreaming sex-prole. Her work talks back to the voyeurism and scrutiny directed at the sex-art-worker with fantasy and myth-making, responding to the decline of the sex industry and the impending possibility of automated feminised labour with a dark and camp sense of humour. She studied at [ubiquitous London art school] but she learnt everything she knows from whores.
Ginger’s art is a feral stripper dyke’s daydream, the glamorisation of precocity – camp as a response to suffering. Inspired by ‘70s sci-fi and sexploitation cinema, she builds fantasy machines for the on-shift daydreaming sex-prole. Her work talks back to the voyeurism and scrutiny directed at the sex-art-worker with fantasy and myth-making, responding to the decline of the sex industry and the impending possibility of automated feminised labour with a dark and camp sense of humour. She studied at [ubiquitous London art school] but she learnt everything she knows from whores.