Figurine Figurine Figurita

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My best friend traveled to Thailand and brought me this figurine. She is a goddess, or some deity that I don’t know. It is made of metal. She has red stones in her eyes and she is opening her vulva with her hands.

He told me that in the market he met a monk and asked him for something for me, and the monk, just by hearing my name, told him that this was the right object for me. And he says that he took out a kind of brush and began to write those golden letters that it has on top.

When he gave it to me, I asked a Thai friend what the letters said – I sent him a photo – and he said he didn’t know because it wasn’t Thai but Sanskrit. I liked that even more because Sanskrit is a very ancient language, a liturgical, ceremonial language, which means “perfectly done”. That means “Sanskrit”. 

I don’t have mystical or religious beliefs or anything, but this little figure did awaken my ritualistic side. So I have it in a kind of altar, just in case. Because when it comes to money, I do have some rituals, just in case. And the truth is that Ive never lacked money. And the money that I earn, I put it there, and it is … my goddess of putería.*

*A noun meaning whoring or whoredom, from the word puta, for whore

My best friend traveled to Thailand and brought me this figurine. She is a goddess, or some deity that I don’t know. It is made of metal. She has red stones in her eyes and she is opening her vulva with her hands.

He told me that in the market he met a monk and asked him for something for me, and the monk, just by hearing my name, told him that this was the right object for me. And he says that he took out a kind of brush and began to write those golden letters that it has on top.

When he gave it to me, I asked a Thai friend what the letters said – I sent him a photo – and he said he didn’t know because it wasn’t Thai but Sanskrit. I liked that even more because Sanskrit is a very ancient language, a liturgical, ceremonial language, which means “perfectly done”. That means “Sanskrit”. 

I don’t have mystical or religious beliefs or anything, but this little figure did awaken my ritualistic side. So I have it in a kind of altar, just in case. Because when it comes to money, I do have some rituals, just in case. And the truth is that Ive never lacked money. And the money that I earn, I put it there, and it is … my goddess of putería.*

*A noun meaning whoring or whoredom, from the word puta, for whore

Mi mejor amigo viajó a Tailandia y me trajo esta figurita. Es una diosa, o alguna deidad que no conozco. Es de metal, tiene en los ojos piedras rojas y con sus manos está abriendo su vulva.

Me contó que en el mercado encontró a un monje y le pidió algo para mí, y el monje, sólo con oír mi nombre, le dijo que esto era el objeto adecuado para mí. Y dice que sacó una especie de pincel y empezó a escribir esas letras doradas que tiene encima.

Cuando me la dio, le pregunté a un amigo Tailandés qué decían las letras –le mandé una foto- y me dijo que no sabía porque no era Tailandés sino sánscrito. Y pues eso me gustó todavía más porque el sánscrito es una lengua muy antigua, una lengua litúrgica, ceremonial, que quiere decir “perfectamente hecho”, Eso significa “sánscrito”. Entonces, pues me gustó todavía más. 

Y yo no tengo creencias místicas, ni religiosas, ni nada, Pero esta figurita sí me despertó mi lado ritual. Entonces la tengo en una especie de altar, nomás por si las dudas. Eh, porque en lo que se refiere al dinero sí tengo algunos rituales, eso, por si las dudas. Y la verdad es que nunca ha faltado. Y el dinero que pongo… que gano, lo pongo ahí, y pues es… mi diosa de la putería.


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