I live in the city of Campeche. I work in the cities of Cancun, Mérida, Mexico City and Campeche, and online for the whole world.
This dress was lent to me by a friend when I was going to start giving face-to-face services, because I had no clothes to see clients in.
It is a reminder that I am not alone on this path; that someone is alongside me. Not only her but others, many others, and that together in a network we can support each other and it makes having to hide the work less cold and dark. It also reminds me that it is important to come out as a sex worker. For me, for them, for all.
I dont think you can have any idea of how it feels to be and live as a whore unless you are a whore. And, well, for me nothing has been as important as having these small networks that have rescued me from loneliness, silence and, in a way, social exile. Because of the decisions that I have made for myself.
As the song says: I also sell my labour power .
I live in the city of Campeche. I work in the cities of Cancun, Mérida, Mexico City and Campeche, and online for the whole world.
This dress was lent to me by a friend when I was going to start giving face-to-face services, because I had no clothes to see clients in.
It is a reminder that I am not alone on this path; that someone is alongside me. Not only her but others, many others, and that together in a network we can support each other and it makes having to hide the work less cold and dark. It also reminds me that it is important to come out as a sex worker. For me, for them, for all.
I dont think you can have any idea of how it feels to be and live as a whore unless you are a whore. And, well, for me nothing has been as important as having these small networks that have rescued me from loneliness, silence and, in a way, social exile. Because of the decisions that I have made for myself.
As the song says: I also sell my labour power .
Vivo en la ciudad de Campeche. Trabajo en las ciudades de Cancún, Mérida, Ciudad de México y Campeche, y en la virtualidad para todo el mundo.
Este vestido me lo prestó una amiga cuando iba a empezar a dar servicios presenciales. Porque no tenía ropa para atender a los clientes.
Es un recordatorio de que no estoy sola en este andar; de que alguien me acompaña. No sólo ella sino otras, otras muchas, que juntas en red podemos acompañarnos y hacer del closet un lugar menos frío, menos oscuro, y que también me recuerda que es importante salir de ahí. Por mí, por ellas, por todas.
Yo creo que una no tiene idea de lo que puede llegar a sentirse y vivirse entorno a ser puta hasta que se hace puta. Y, pues nada, para mí ha sido importante contar con estas pequeñas redes queme han rescatado de la soledad, el silencio y, de cierto modo, el exilio social. De las decisiones que he tomado para mí.
Como dice la canción: yo también vendo mi fuerza de trabajo.